mne - mon - ics
The study and development of systems for improving and assisting the memory.

ac - cro - nym
An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.


During my time as a student pilot I got taught a good amount of acronyms that would help to study and memorize the knowledge behind them.
As with all my notes I wrote those acronyms into my paper notebook which I´d then use to study and look back into.
Everything worked just fine that way for my private pilot course.

When I started my instrument rating I realized that there´s going to be much more knowledge to learn and with that much more acronyms in my notebook.
My notebook filled up quick and it didn´t take long until it got annoying to find all the past acronyms from my PPL course between other notes.

That´s when I started looking for a good acronym collection which would have all acronyms from all courses. I kept looking for one online and it didn´t take long to realize that there is nothing like it online.
So I started creating my own acronym collection. Nothing fancy at first. White background, black font, no graphics or design. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid ;)
Once I had my collection on multiple peaces of paper I had a good overview over all acronyms.

Now to study the acronyms more frequent I thought I would hang my collection on the wall and whenever I was uncertain about an acronym or was just walking by I could take a peek at it. That worked fine but the collection didn´t look very inviting when placed on a wall like a picture.

So I worked on a nice design with a nice background and made sure that everything is clearly readable.
I didn´t take long until friends, fellow student pilots and DPEs gave me positive feedback about my study posters and I started to make them available to the public.


Kai Jurasik
Part 135 Corporate Pilot
Digital Creator, past Film Production Company Owner